Refunds and Returns

Returns And Refunds Policy

When you buy from we want you to be happy with your purchase. So, if you need to return a product, get it exchanged or refunded, we want to make it as easy as possible.

Our refund policy

We will refund or exchange products if they fall under the terms and conditions set out below.

Products are faulty on arrival and non-repairable. For perishable items we ask you to report issues within 24h of delivery.

Products are lost during delivery.

Refunds for products purchased under a promotional offer will be based on the terms of the promotional price. Bundle offers: In this case you will have to return all the items in this offer.

Refund settlement will take place once the returned product has been received back and verification has taken place, this procedure normally takes 2-4 days, with 1-2 business days to issue the refund. Be aware that sometimes the refund will not show on your account until the next statement cycle is issued from your bank.

Lebenslust would refund the delivery charge in full if the product received is faulty / damaged and you return all products of your order at the same time. If you choose to keep some of the products, we will retain the balance of the delivery charge that applies to the products you keep.

Please keep all items with their complete packaging and inside packaging intact if you intend to refund any items within the conditions set out. No exchange or refund will be considered without it, if the seal of product is broken or it the product was opened yet not faulty.

We understand sometimes there are greater forces that our outside of your control. If You need to return a product outside of our accepted policy please contact us and explain the issue so we may explore options.


Period of Return

Perishable goods (i.e. fresh foods - dairy, frozen, bread, etc) 

Within 24 hours.

Non-perishable goods (e.g., toiletries, cleaning products)

Up to 7 days

Our refund policy

All non-perishable orders will be refunded if the product is received “Faulty / damaged” or within a 7 day period if the product is found to be Faulty. After 7 days a return is not accepted.

How to exchange or replace a product

In case of an incident where a replacement product may be required again, please contact the customer services team who will arrange this in line with the Terms & Conditions for replacement and/or faulty products.